
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Posted: Nov 9, 2016
Last activity: Nov 10, 2016
Last activity: 10 Nov 2016 13:50 EST
Wait Shape not working when used with Case Dependency for second Child Case
I am working on Pega 7.1.9 and have a scenario as explained below:
I have a Parent Case (ME-) which can comprise of two child cases ( Assessment AC- and Development DC-). The requirement is after creation of the Parent case the child cases must be created in a sequential order i.e., first the assessment case (AC-) is created and once this case is resolved the Development case (DC-) needs to be created. For this I have used the wait shape with case dependency options ( attached screenshot ). The first wait occurs in the second stage of Parent case after the AC- case creation and then the flow proceeds to next stage after resolving AC- to create the next case DC- and waits for resolution of DC-.
The first Wait shape is working fine and the ME- case proceeds to Stage 3 after resolution of AC-.(created in stage 2). But the second Wait shape(Second step in Stage 3) after creation of DC- case does not proceed the Parent Case (ME-) to Stage 4 for resolution and the Parent case is stuck in Stage 3 . Both the wait shapes are configured in same manner and both have the Wait for set to "Any".
Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.
Thank You
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