Value getting entered into the text box of window application but it’s not getting recognized
I have an windows application(screenshot1) in which i need to enter values in 3 text boxes and click on Ok button.
When tried manually it will moves to next screen. When entering value using PegaRobotics and clicking on the Ok button values are blanked out and does not move to next screen.
Ideally i would try and find the event, if it was a web app and raise that specific event. In my case as it is window app i cannot identify which event does it need to validate the text.
The only event i could use with windows adapter is focus which worked for the first two text boxes but did not work for 3rd. So i used 'SetFocus' and then set text. So now when i click Ok button the 3rd value is blanked out and does not move to next screen.
First two text boxes are expecting string value and 3rd is $ total. All textboxes are of type class "MSMaskWndClass" and its wrapped under virtual control of type class "AxMaskEdBox"
Question: Is there a way to identify what validating event textbox needs to register/recognize the entered value and how do i raise that event?