Using multiple external databases
Hello all,
We have a scenario where we have to store the data in different databases based on certain logic.
Example: If Country = USA, then all the data goes to one particular DB. If Country = India, then all the data goes to another database.
When a work object gets created, by default all the data (data on pyWorkPage and other embedded pages) will be stored in pega database.
My approach towards this is: Have multiple data classes (XYZ-Data-Usa, XYZ-Data-India) and set a value to property, (If country = USA, Set CountryClass = 'XYZ-Data-USA) and do a RDB-Save on the external database (INSERT INTO {Class:{.CountryClass}}.
So this way, all the metadata goes to pega DB but customer specific data can be segregated into separate DB's.
Would anyone please suggest if you see any downsides of this approach? Our key req was the customer data should be in separate DB's. (Country USA data can not co mingle with Country India data)
Thanks in advance
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****