Upload CSV file (Get Values to a List ) in Repeating Layout
I have requirement upload csv file and parse data to a list in repeating layout (Multiple file upload and parse data to a list each time) as shown below
1. User will upload csv file and parse data to a list in first time.
2. Once user click on "Add" button same upload csv file section will be displayed and After adding ,Again user should have a ability to upload csv file and parse data to a list .
When user upload csv file for first time it works fine. But when user add new row / section and click on"load csvResults", its gives Error "com.pega.pegarules.pub.PRRuntimeException: Can't continue with file upload. "" is not a file."
I used "pxUploadCSVResults" OOTB activity in "Load CSV Result" button click.
Please give me step by step guidance.Thanks
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