Coforge DPA
Last activity: 26 Oct 2023 11:01 EDT
Upgrade Script loading the tables into a default schema in DB2 for Pega 7.1 to Pega 8.8 upgrade
Hi All While performing the upgrade scripts for Pega 7.1 to Pega 8.8.3, it is selecting a default table space . This is causing the upgrade script to fail as this table space doesn't have enough table space and throws the below error . DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-614, SQLSTATE=54008, SQLERRMC=PR_ARCHIVAL_EXCLUDED_IDX3
We can run the DDLs manually to create the tables in the tablespace with increased size. Is there any way to direct the PegaRules and PegaData schema to create tables in the tablespace with increased size while we run the migrate script so that we dont have to run the DDLs manually?