Upgrade pega 8.6 to 8.8.4 Issue:cursor with the name 'TableCursor' does not exist
I'm currently dealing with the following challenge. Could you please share any insights or experiences you might have on this matter?
We are trying upgrade pega 8.6.3 to page 8.8.4 and facing issues.
Calculate Table Stats Inner:
[echo] Calculating Database Table Statistics
[echo] Executing: EXECUTE PegaRules.sppr_rebuild_indexes 'stats'
[pega:sql] Unable to execute sql query:
[pega:sql] EXECUTE PegaRules.sppr_rebuild_indexes 'stats'
[pega:sql] com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: A cursor with the name 'TableCursor' does not exist
/tmp/pega88/scripts/setupDatabase.xml:354: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/tmp/pega88/scripts/setupDatabase.xml:3028: Unable to execute sql query:
EXECUTE PegaRules.sppr_rebuild_indexes 'stats'
I have checked following but issue seems bit different also not sure if script is correct.
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