
Last activity: 17 May 2022 12:32 EDT
Update and delete Participant issue (DX API v2)
I'm currently experimenting with the 'Update Participant' and 'Delete Participant' APIs (v2). One of the required parameters is the participantID. I assumed that this participantID is unique to a specific workparty, however this is not the case. Internally the participantID seems to be mapped to pyWorkPartyUri. And pyWorkPartyUri doesn't have to be unique.
When I run the 'Delete Participant' API with a participantID (pyWorkPartyUri) that is used in more than one workparty instances, it deletes *all* of the instances using that pyWorkPartyUri.
When I run the 'Update Participant' API with a participantID (pyWorkPartyURI) that is used in more than one workparty instance, it doesn't update any of the instances using that pyWorkPartyUri.
Is this a bug in the current implementation?
PS. For Delete Participant: When the If-Match is missing or incorrect, no error is being displayed. HTTP 200 is returned with an empty body.
PPS. "Select Party" is a placeholder, not a participant_role
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***