Unicode symbols turns to random latin symbols in txt, json files attached to the case
We use Pega Personal edition 8.7. In the workflow of case type in our application we have step when we download txt and json files from external web service and then attach them to the case.
Originally this files is in UTF-8-BOM encoding, but after they are added to the case, they turn to UTF-8 encoding type. I can check that by downloading files directly from the external API, and downloading files attached to the case.
So, unicode symbols in this file turns to nonsense subsequense of symbols:
If I got "鳥啼く声す夢覚ませ見よ明け渡る 東を空色栄えて沖つ辺に 帆船群れゐぬ靄の中" text in original file, it turns to "77u/6bOl5ZW844GP5aOw44GZ5aSi6Kaa44G+44Gb6KaL44KI5piO44GR5rih44KLIOadseOCkuep uuiJsuaghOOBiOOBpuayluOBpOi+uuOBqyDluIboiLnnvqTjgozjgpDjgazpnYTjga7kuK0NCg==" in the file attached to the case.
Can you please help us to set up our environment to save files in the correct encoding.