
Last activity: 14 Nov 2018 6:32 EST
Unable to view list of helper classes in Pega 7.3.1
Hi, we have an issue in our application where the helper class picker doesn't display the list of available helper classes.
In the attached screenshots, you can see that we have pyEndUser in the skin inheritance and that we have also added py-common-helper-classes.css in our additional styles, as suggested in the Pega documentation.
The interesting part is that we can see the helper classes in the above css file, and we can even apply them manually, however, the list in the helper class picker does not get populated. We also checked the data page for this list and it is also empty.
We have two other Pega 7.3.1 applications where helper classes work as expected.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
to test, open your skin ruleform, click on Actions->Launch->Skin Preview - you should see a complete preview of your skin including the helper classes.
If the list is not empty, then it means that the list is correctly fetch - if it is not, then it is possible that you have something in your skin that causes the parsing of the helper classes to fail.
run the same step using pyEndUSer in UI-Kit to confirm that it works.
remove you override CSS and see if the skin preview correctly display your helper classes. Proceed by elimination to identify which CSS override in your skin is causing the issue. Likely this will be flag by the CSS Validation.

Pegasystems Inc.
1/ since you inherit from pyEndUser from UI-Kit (make sure that you have UI-Kit in your app stack), you should be all set: py-common-helper-classes.css is already attached to the pyEndUser skin and you don't need to add it also to your skin. Any override CSS files attached to a skin that your skin inherits is already automatically added to your auto-generated CSS.
2/ The helper class picker is using the same logic as the section ruleform to pick the skin:
a/ it will use your user preference skin if SET
b/ otherwise it will use your application skin
Likely what is happening is that your user has a different skin set as user preferences. Open your operator preferences and remove the skin in the input field and save. No need to logout - refresh the section. The helper class picker should work.

Hi Richard, thanks for a thorough answer.
I've tried changing the skin in the operator preferences before, our original setting was to have the field blank, then I tried enterring the name of our application skin. Now I made the field blank again, but the issue remains, the list of helper classes is blank.
I'll doublecheck that UI-Kit is in our app stack, but I'm pretty confident it is.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
to test, open your skin ruleform, click on Actions->Launch->Skin Preview - you should see a complete preview of your skin including the helper classes.
If the list is not empty, then it means that the list is correctly fetch - if it is not, then it is possible that you have something in your skin that causes the parsing of the helper classes to fail.
run the same step using pyEndUSer in UI-Kit to confirm that it works.
remove you override CSS and see if the skin preview correctly display your helper classes. Proceed by elimination to identify which CSS override in your skin is causing the issue. Likely this will be flag by the CSS Validation.

Spot on!
Helper classes are working in pyEndUser skin. I tried disabling all our additional styles in our application skin (Y75EndUser) but still couldn't see helper classes. So I started investigating our skin inheritance:
1. CSEndUser
2. crmSkin
3. pyEndUser
Both pyEndUser and crmSkin had their helper classes working, but not CSEndUser. After disabling the additional styles there I found the culprit;
webwb CTIEndUser-Delta in ruleset PegaFW-CTI:07-31-01
Even stranger, this seems to be a Pega-built CSS.
The fix was to comment out a simple error:
.cti_pop_top_context_dataLabelRead, .cti_pop_top_context_dataLabelWrite, .cti_pop_top_context_dataLabelStyle, .cti_pop_top_context_dataLabelStyleTop {
padding: 0px 2px 0px 0px;
color: #FFFFFF;
color: inherit;
line-height: 1.4;
line-height: 40px;
/*padding: 0 6px;*/ /*THIS WAS THE ERROR*/
After that the helper classes are available in CSEndUser and our application skin. I'm not quite sure how to proceed since this seems to be Pega's own CSS which I'd rather not mess with. Should I request a fix?

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, I would request for a hotfix for this CSS file - this file is final so you cannot override it
padding: 0 6px should not have an impact on the CSS helper class parser - do you have a screenshot of the file before the changes? was there any error reported by the CSS Validation? When I look at the file webwb CTIEndUser-Delta in ruleset PegaFW-CTI:07-40-01, there is no error reported and the CSendUser skin correctly display the list of helper classes - this issue might have been fixed in Pega 7.4

The file seems to be marked as "Available", but I'll request a fix either way. Below is the error. The same section appears twice in the CSS (why?) which is why there are two errors (actually the same error twice).
I also attached the CSS file as a txt file.
Thanks for the support,

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @DanielL1470,
When you open the Support Request to ask for the hotfix, please reference this post and then let us know the SR ID so that we can track for you.

Hi Marissa, the support request has been created with ID SR-C74168.
All the best,