Unable to use multiselect in table grid
I have a page list property, let's call it A. And property A has a page list property called B. Also property B has a page list property called C. I have a table that sourced from A. When user click edit button in table grid a pop up is displayed and user add/deletes property B. This pop up also includes a table that sourced from B. I would like to add a multiselect control in a column of B's table and let user modify C property. But I get this error on tracer;
pyWorkPage.A(1).B(2).C was of mode Page List while com.pega.pegarules.data.internal.clipboard.ClipboardPropertyImpl.getStringValue() was expecting String mode
A > B > C
I am using property C for multiselect control and a data page (list) for source. What am I missing here ?
Thank you.