
Common Wealth Bank of Australia
Last activity: 15 Jul 2019 2:58 EDT
Unable to send Binary Data using connect-REST in Pega 722
We are currently using Pega 722 and we are integrating with JFROG artifactory for storing the Pega builds. Though native JFROG integration capability is available from Pega 73, there is no plan for upgrading our instances in near future. Hence we are using connect-REST to send zip files as binary data to artifactory repository. But with this approach connect-REST is failing with outbound mapping exception (unable to use java object property to send request data).
Moreover the fix given in the support article ( to customise pyInvokeRESTConnector is not feasible in our case as the OOTB activity is changed in Pega 722
Any other recommendations to resolve the issue would be appreciated.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***