
Last activity: 27 Feb 2021 15:37 EST
Unable to receive Access Token using OAuth 2.0 in Service-REST
Hi Friends,
I used OAuth2.0 Authentication in Service-REST and created OAuth2.0 Data Instance (Data-Admin-Security-OAuth2-RegisteredApplication) for that. The client credential grant type is considered for authentication and Client ID, Client Secret and Access Token End Point were obtained from this data instance.
Pega is used as OAuth Provider. SOAP UI as a client used Client Credentials Grant Type and gave Client ID, Client Secret and Access Token End Point generated from the data instance but not receiving the token from Pega.
I used SOAP UI tool for testing the service with authentication. It worked fine without authentication but not with authentication.
The error message came in SOAP UI error log is Unsupported and unrecognized SSL Message and attached herewith.
Does anyone has any solution to resolve it?