
Last activity: 13 Mar 2023 9:04 EDT
Unable to open an instance using the given inputs : PEGA-DM-DDF-WORK MKTVCPR-61003
While running the campaign after the first data flow completed, it's should run the second data flow to process volum constraint.
In the UI we can see that the ID of second data flow is exist but when we click the ID we got this error "Unable to open an instance using the given inputs : PEGA-DM-DDF-WORK MKTVCPR-61003".
And we try to check in the PEGARules log, we found the below error in the log "Error in commit() Database-LockFailure-LockLost PEGAMKT-WORK P-1".
After we get this error we cannot stop the campaign (button stop not visible in the ui), we try to suspend it but when we run new campaign still we can see that the error campaign still running, is there is other way to stop the campaign?