
Infosys Ltd
Last activity: 10 Feb 2021 11:40 EST
Unable to navigate to home screen if application link which has query string parameters opened in multiple tabs
We are trying to implement a scenario where UI needs to be populated based on some query string parameters of a link. Whenever user opens multiple links(links differs in query string parameters) of an application in multiple tabs, we could see below to sceanrios.
1. User opened link1 in browser tab1, able to navigate to home screen and UI gets populated with required data based to query string parameters in link1. Then opened link2 in browser tab2, able to navigate to home screen and UI gets populated with respective data based on query string parameters in link2. - This is working fine as expected.
2. User opened link1 in browser tab1, able to navigate to home screen and UI gets populated with required data and on click of a button, navigated to some other screens(order status) within the same pega application. Then opened link2 in browser tab2, instead of opening home screen, it directly opens the latest navigated screen(order status) in link1.
Expected: When user opens link2 in tab2 (as per scenario 2) we are expecting the home screen, but unable to achieve that.
Can any one please suggest if there is any possibility to achieve the requirement.