UI-Kit-7:13-01-01 Issues in Pega 8.2.1
We are migrating from Pega 7.3.1 to Pega 8.2.1, in existing env (7.3.1) UIkit is pointing to UI-Kit-7:09-01-01 where as in Pega 8.2.1 the latest version of UIKit is UI-Kit-7:13-01-01.
If we are migrating to Pega 8.2.1, then we should point to latest UIKit version?
If we point to UIKit version UI-Kit-7:13-01-01, in the mobile application the alignment got changed for all the screens. Is there any hot fix or patch version available, so that alignment will be proper even though we change the UIKit to latest version (UI-Kit-7:13-01-01) or we need to adjust alignments,css & javascripts manually.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****