TreeView issue
Hi all.
I have a problem about a TreeView on java application.
I need to work with ContextMenu on TreeView, but Add Context Menu during interrogation not work), I'am trying to use another way working on treeview, I able to interrogate treeview, but unfortunately the automation not work with object.
For example, the properties return or null value or incorrect value.
The properties Name and Key is populated, but count property return 1 though the treeview is populated with more node.
The method "CollapseAll" and "ExpandAll" working (ExpandAll expand only one level).
All FindNode* or SelectNode* not work.
The SendKeys work, but after I moved to one node, the SelectedNode property return null.
PerformClik working (i see the selected node highlight) but PerformDoubleClik not.
PerformRightClik (in order to open Context Menu) not work.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve the problem or if there are other ways?
Best regards,