Tracing multiple intents
i have statement like below example how to fetch the multiple intents in webchat bot, whether the webchat bot support the to fetch the multiple intents in given Example Ex:My Doctor says i need to have surgery on my ACL. I have question about the hospital choice and what my out-of-pocket cost would be.
in the above example Intents are :
1. procedure --- > Surgery on my ACL 2. hospital --- > Question about the hospital choice
i have statement like below example how to fetch the multiple intents in webchat bot, whether the webchat bot support the to fetch the multiple intents in given Example Ex:My Doctor says i need to have surgery on my ACL. I have question about the hospital choice and what my out-of-pocket cost would be.
in the above example Intents are :
1. procedure --- > Surgery on my ACL 2. hospital --- > Question about the hospital choice
3. expenses -- > Out-of-pocket cost Bot --> i am sorry to hear that i see you have referral for ACL Reconstruction surgery from Dr. Grasso your primary physician Based on your current plan your out-of-pocket expenses would be $1000 for this procedure Bot suggested --> There here are two hospitals that are in network in your area 1.Mountain saina Hospital 2.NUy langone Hospital which one is you preferred
customer : Mountain saina Hospital Bot --> would you like me to notify surgery scheduling department customer : Actually, make it NUY langone hospital Bot : ok, you have indicate NUY Langone hospital as you preferred hospital would you like me to notify surgery scheduling department
customer: oh, are knee braces and physical therapy covered
context switching : (middle of the conversation the customer change the mind this called as context switching)
Bot : yes based on your current plan knee braces are covered and you would have a $50 co -pay per each physical therapy session
would you like me to proceed with notifying surgery scheduling department at NYU Langone hospital customer : yes please Bot : great i have sent note of your hospital preference to your surgeons scheduling department reference number - h231233
This can be achieved in pega customer service like webchat bot
could you any one please help me how to do it .