tomcat causing CPU utilisation spikes
From time to time, CPU utilisation on our Pega application servers (EC2 instances running tomcat 8) spikes, and would normally remain at high cpu usage for a few hours then subside. This can then lead to what appears as a hung thread and the only way to clear it is to restart the tomcat service (see attached image 1).
I have tried investigating which threads might be causing this issue as per this article:
But have had no luck as the above video describes investigate a java thread while the issue we are experiencing appears to be directly related to tomcat where it is tomcat threads that are utilising the CPU resources, not java.exe threads as in the example of the video above (see attached image 2).
How can I determine if the issue is
1) Pega related not OS/Tomcat related
2) What the threads that are using the resources are actually doing.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to update platform capability***