Last activity: 9 Feb 2022 1:03 EST
Token Profile Generated JSON maps page name and values instead of just values
Hi All,
I'm trying to add a custom claim into the payload of a Token Profile setting a value mapped from page to meet a requirement like this (example):
Payload: { "iat": , "customclaim": { "subcustomclaim1": "value1", "subcustomclaim1": "value2" }, "exp": 45354
If a set the value in the custom claim as the page when decoding it's showing like this :
{ "iat": , "customclaim": { "customclaim": { "subcustomclaim1": "value1", "subcustomclaim1": "value2" } }, "exp":
I don't know if there is a problem in the way it's being mapped. I also tried to set it as an expression but that didn't work as well because PEGA is not escaping JSON values. Kindly advise. Thank you.