
Last activity: 29 Dec 2015 0:12 EST
Is there a upper limit on the number of item a value list/ value group / pagelist / page group can store ?
Is there a upper limit on the number of item a value list/ value group / pagelist / page group can store ?
I m using Pega 7.1.7, If there is a limit then does that depends upon the PRPC version?
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Pegasystems Inc.
I haven't heard of any ... but again - loading too many page groups/page lists may result in slow response.

There is no limit for any of these property modes. However, PEGA0035 alert (Category: Clipboard List Size) appears if a Page List property has more than 10,000 entries. You can disable this alert or raise or lower the threshold.

You can find more details related to PEGA0035 alert @
As an alternative to an entry in prconfig.xml, we can also define the configuration setting (threshold) usingDynamic System Setting instance.

Elements of page list are accessed by using index which is an "int". I think page lists are implemented internally using ArrayList data structure in Pega, which is backed by object Array in Java.
So max limit should be INT_MAX value (2^31 - 1)!!!

that means there might be a upper limit. Or internally the implementation is using stack or queue which don't have an upper limit?

I do not think stack/queue is used for this. Pega employees with access to source code can confirm this

Pegasystems Inc.
You are right Murali, we don't use Stack/Queue for implementation and there is no limit on number of items.
Is there any particular scenario which you are trying to evaluate here ? For all practical purposes list/groups should have unlimited storage(only limited by JVM memory) but will impact memory and performance issues.
I would also suggested to keep the recommended settings for PEGA0035 threshold for the same reasons.

Thanks Murali and Pankaj for the reply âº
Was analyzing the existing code of the system, where it is expected that the data will group pretty fast soon.
So was wondering will the pagelist break because of increase in the number of records, but seems from the above comment that it wont break
What kind of error will it show in log, if becase of jvm memory , the pagelist breaks up and we were unable to add records to the list ?
Updated: 29 Dec 2015 0:12 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Please refer to the article below to see the warning and error messages that you will get in logs for exceeding threshold values.
However if you try to remove/increase these thresholds to much higher value and substantial amount of memory is consumed, server will go down. And that's why keeping thresholds to a good limit helps controlling the performance and memory restrictions of server.