
Last activity: 13 Dec 2021 7:36 EST
In Theme Cosmos on click of close button navigating to Worklist in, can we navigate to Previously worked Workbasket
Hi All,
We have a requirement in Theme Cosmos when a user logs into Manager Portal and navigates to the Dashboard and selects any work basket and opens an assignment from the workbasket and completes/cancels the assignment and clicks on the close button then the user should be navigated to the previously worked refreshed workbasket.
As close in not provided in Theme Cosmos we have called the function history.back() on click of the button, the only issue what we are facing is on click of the button which calls the above function it is navigating to the Worklist of the user in the Dashboard rather navigating to the previously worked workbasket.
Is there any solution or workaround to achieve this functionality?
We are currently using Pega 8.5.5 version.
Vamsi Krisha