
Last activity: 6 Dec 2018 3:25 EST
Swithing between different workgroups to avoid duplicate profiles.
Hi Guys,
I have requirement where duplicates profiles(OperatorIDs) in pega 5.5 needs to be deleted to make it Unique AD integration.
Some users created duplicate profiles for some business scenarios with different access groups.
Presently 10 users are using duplicate profiles with 2 accessgroups each Access group will have different work groups in it.Now the challenge is In pega 5.5 we dont have any OOTB rules to switch between the workgroups (the way how we switch between access groups) so whats is best approach to handle this scenario here.?
I tried to call some html rule on changing of the AG1 to AG2 by setting the pxRequestor.pxWorkgroup using jsp some challengs are there like if users switched to AG2 then (WorkGroup)WG2 workitems can be available in Operator1 worklist which was earlier belongs to operator2.
I appreciate if you share some thoughts on how customize code for switching between workgroups.
Is there any other approach for this issue?
Thanking you in advance.