Last activity: 28 Mar 2016 11:49 EDT
String modification restrictions
Hi All,
We have this requirement in our project to restrict the user from modifying more than two letters of his full name.
E.g. The existing Full name is John Smith, and if the user would like to modify his name on the account he can change a max of two chars.(adding, updating, or deleting)
Case 1: John SmithXX - Allowed - two additional chars
Case 2: JohnSmithXX - not allowed- removal of space and two additional chars,three changes
Case 3:John Smi-ALlowed two char removals
Case 4:John SmiXX Allowed two char modifiations, you get the point right.
Has anyone done this before, or is there any Java OOTB api or code snippet/reg expression we can use.
Pradeep Gunda
Message was edited by: Marissa Rogers - Updated Category