
Anabatic Technologies Tbk Pt
Last activity: 4 Apr 2023 23:00 EDT
Steps for repointing the DB (PostgreSQL)
Hi All,
We need to repoint our DB server to a new one (with the same host: PostgreSQL). All settings on the DB server are different, such as server name, database name, etc.
Where do we need to configure or repoint the DB server, and what is the step to do it on the PEGA application?
Please give me a hint on how to do it.
Thank you.
PEGA: Pega CDH 8.6.0 on-premises
DB: PostgreSQL 11
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Pegasystems Inc.
The DB connection details are usually in file prconfig.xml

Anabatic Technologies Tbk Pt
Hi @PhilipShannon Thank you for your reply. I'm not sure, but could you please help me with step-by-step for repointing the database server? I'm afraid our system will run into problems if we make the wrong changes when repointing the DB server.
Updated: 22 Mar 2023 12:58 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnggunMD find the file named prconfig.xml and edit it, replace the servername and the db name, dbuser and dbpass as needed here, with the new DB server info. After this, restart the app server.

Anabatic Technologies Tbk Pt
Hi @shanp , thank you for your reply.
I attached the prconfig.xml file for one node in our environment, but I think we didn't use this file to set DB connection settings. Is there any way to repoint the DB server? Thank you.

Anabatic Technologies Tbk Pt
Hi @shanp instead of the prconfig.xml file, can we update the file with this step to re-pointing the DB? 1. Stop the application server 2. Update file: 3. Start the application server Thank you.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnggunMD I guess so, the prconfig.xml file isn't being used so it seems that you found your DB connection info over there. Can you share more details about this environment? Is it running in a cluster?

Anabatic Technologies Tbk Pt
Hi @shanp Yes,@PhilipShannonour@PhilipShannonenvironment@PhilipShannonruns@PhilipShannonin@PhilipShannona@PhilipShannoncluster@PhilipShannonand@PhilipShannonhas@PhilipShannonmultiple@PhilipShannonnodes.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnggunMD Sorry about that, you can disregard my comments as my understanding that you were running a stand alone server or Personal Edition system. Hopefully somebody more familiar with this can help here. Good luck.

Anabatic Technologies Tbk Pt
@PhilipShannon I see, thank you so much