
Last activity: 8 Mar 2021 9:10 EST
Stale requestors displayed on SMA in multi node environment
We have a multi node environment, 2 of the nodes doesn't seem to end the requestor sessions as does the remaining. 2 nodes have multiple req. sessions accumulated from last 2 days as seen in SMA->Requestor Management with last input as default portal: @baseclass.pzHandleUnknownSession, new requestor created, Activity=FinishAssignment, [email protected], Activity=pyDeleteDocumentPg.
Overall these have about 1700 requestors out of them only about 250 are from today and remaining all are stale from last 2 days. Other 18 nodes under the same load balancer doesn't have this problem.
As seen by the load balancer, traffic is distributed evenly and no issues observed.
Restarting the JVM would help clear all of them but need to understand what went wrong on these, NodeCleaner is running and nothing found so far in tomcat or pega logs.
Any Ideas? Appreciate your time and help!!