SSO Using Kerberos+LDAP
Can some one help me how to configure APplication server for Kerberos based authentication.
1. Is there any document on configuration of Kerberos in Tomcat?
2.Where to configure session time out in application servere?
3. when we use Kerberos for SSO, That means it container Managed authentication, When we hit url qirh PRServletContainerAuth, by default system will call EstablishOperator and we need to customise the activity and use Param.UserPrincipal as user identifier.
4, In the above case do we need to use Remoteuser for useridentifier?
5,I'm using 7.2.2 and i have seen Kerberos in Authentication Service and use customType, That means above steps are no more valid as we can write our own authentication activity like AuthenticateLDAP?
Can some one help me?
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