
JP Morgan Chase
Last activity: 26 Dec 2016 6:30 EST
SSL Issues
We are migrating our 5.5(Websphere 7 and Java 6) Application to 6.3 SP1(Websphere 8.5.5 and Java 7).
We are observing SSL Peer Verified exception whenever trying to search a Rule as that involves calling a Connect-HTTP. Dont see any issues at a high level in the inbound and outbound configurations of Security in Websphere console.
Apart from this , whenever we do a Test Connectivity on Email Account, we get a Cipher Exception there as well as follows:
Caused by: No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)
The 2 Way SSL configured Webservices are also not working. Is there a compatibility issue in WAS 8 (Java 7) and 6.3? If yes, how can we circumvent it.