
Last activity: 15 Jan 2021 13:51 EST
SRVE0278E: Error while adding servlet mapping
We are using Pega 8.x version and every time we restart our system, it generates below error at startup:--
SRVE0278E: Error while adding servlet mapping -->
After visiting the below support article on IBM, we found that this can be fixed by setting the fileServingEnabled parameter to false
this parameter is found under below directory which is part of Pega Deployment file
/applications/prpc_j2ee14_ws.ear/deployments/prpc_j2ee14_ws/prweb.war/WEB-INF/ibm-web-ext.xmi: fileServingEnabled="false"
My question is - do we have any specific requirement of setting this parameter to false because the parameter will be reset to true again if we upgrade to any Pega minor or patch version and the error will start re-appearing..
Do I need to raise SR?