
American Express Services Europe Ltd
Last activity: 8 Oct 2018 3:00 EDT
SQL Error code: 29540 SQLState: 99999 while running the Report definition with unexposed column
While running report definition with un exposed column we are getting below exception in 7.3v.
** An error occured on executing the query for the report definition - There was a problem getting a list: code: 29540 SQLState: 99999 Message: ORA-29540: class com/pega/pegarules/data/udf/directstreamreader/DirectStreamReader does not exist DatabaseException caused by prior exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-29540: class com/pega/pegarules/data/udf/directstreamreader/DirectStreamReader does not exist | SQL Code: 29540 | SQL State: 99999
Is there any way we can resolve this?
Have seen similar issues in the community with 7.2.1 shown in below link.
WIll it be applicable for 7.3 as well? Please advise.