
Capgemini Americas
Last activity: 19 Jul 2018 12:22 EDT
SPNEGO Authorization issue with REST service
We are using webfarm+ as servers for pega prpc version 7.2 and connecting with REST service which is carrying documents in multipart/form-data in request. At service end getting following error -
[<20180712 10:40:17|PartyDocService|msjava/cxfutils/auth/servlet/SpnegoWebauthdServletFilter|505.6M|qtp1014209179-41|Warn >]
Access error for xx.xx.xx.xx: ERROR during validation G_ACCEPT_CTXT: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information ( Clock skew too great )
While this service is well connected with other java applications using SPNEGO.
Needs suggestions to resolve this.