
Last activity: 10 Sep 2018 7:51 EDT
The specified index Directory /tmp/pegatmp/PegaSearchIndex is invalid: It does not exist
We are running Pega on AWS EC2. When EC2 comes up, we see this error and search won't work. If we restart tomcat, this directory gets created and works fine. Appreciate any help here.
2018-09-10 13:48:37,729 [il INITIALIZE_SEARCH] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (artup.SearchInitializationTask) INFO - Starting configuration of node for full-text search.
2018-09-10 13:48:38,644 [il INITIALIZE_SEARCH] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( es.util.IndexDirectoryUtils) ERROR - The specified index Directory /tmp/pegatmp/PegaSearchIndex is invalid: It does not exist