Sort Order in work search results
Hi ,
We are using OOTB full text search ( using custom search properties ) in our application & retrieval of results is working fine . For the inital search , it shows 20 records & when we click on "Show results in new window" it is showing 1000 records . It is performed using OOTB activity ID:pxRetrieveSearchData : Class : Rule-Obj-Report-Definition & we did not customize anything . But here , the 20 initial search results retrieval is following some logical order ( neither first 20 results nor last 20 results are shown ! ) & not sure where this sort order is set ( it is not set in pyWorkSearch report definition ) . Can someone help me understand more about where this sort order is set and how to change it ?
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***