
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 1 Feb 2019 9:01 EST
Single Sign On (SSO) on Personal Edition v8.1
I want to implement the SSO in my personal edition PRPC v 8.1. How can I implement that. Can you please help me with the complete procedure and steps since I'm very new to this.
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Pegasystems Inc.
2. deploy the WAR file in PRPC.
3. Create COT, Identity providers and service provider instances and then create Subjects(Users)
4. In the COT level or IDP level do the mapping.
5. Import the IDP metadata
6. In PRPC create a Authentication service and in the mapping tab do the mapping of IDP attributes with PRPC attributs.
7. Save it and access prpc with sso url.
8. Provide the credentials of any subject(operator) of IDP, request goes to IDP and authenticate and redirect to the PRPC(If operator is not there in the PRPC then based on the auth service tab mappings it will create operator using Model Operator of the passed values)

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for the reply. I had gone through the below link also, But I have some queries, Please clarify.
As I'm very new to this SSO. I don't know exactly what all are these like
OpenAM-13.0.0 file from ForgeRock, COT, IdP, SP.
I just know like Authentication Service rule (SAML 2.0) and words Identity Provider and Service Provider.
Can you please explain how are all these interlinked like How IdP is linked to the Authentication Service rule and what is IdP and SP and what is ForgeRock and COT etc.
And also please explain
1) how it is exactly works like when we hit the URL how it goes the flow
2) If I want login for the first time If I click on the link of this Pega application will it directly login (basic SSO functionality)
Please explain all these. Thank you for the help.

Pegasystems Inc.
OpenAM is identity provider ( IDP)
Refer following help documents covering SAML( this includes how it works and what it takes to work):

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Arvind,
Thank for the links. I will go through these and let you know if I have any queries. Meanwhile can you please clarify the below.
1) What is meant my Identity Provider (IDP) and Service Provider (SP) - Can you please brief me about these at high level
2) Do we need to update this SAML 2.0 authentication Service rule name in web.xml file as we do for LDAP like Servlet mapping in web.xml.

Aaseya IT Solutions
Hello Raj
Point#1 :
Please go through the following link to understand various terms involved in SSO authentication.
Point #2:
I don't think you have to do any changes in web.xml.
SAML defines three roles: the principal (typically a user), the identity provider (IDP), and the service provider (SP). In the use case addressed by SAML, the principal requests a service from the service provider. The service provider requests and obtains an authentication assertion from the identity provider. On the basis of this assertion, the service provider can make an access control decision — in other words it can decide whether to perform some service for the connected principal. SAML does not specify the method of authentication at the IDP; it may require username and password, or another form of authentication, including multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Raju Botu
Srinivas Bharat Komarina

Pegasystems Inc.
1) What is meant my Identity Provider (IDP) and Service Provider (SP) - Can you please brief me about these at high level
Service Provider is the application where user is trying to login. That is your Pega Application.
IDP is the server where the user is getting authenticated. Actually whenever user hit the url , they are redirected to IDP url and once the user is authenticated they get back to the service provider URl with token.
You can actually test it by logging in to in the incognito mode. Here is SP and you can see that you are getting redirecting to which is IDP. Once you enter the credentials there , a token is passed to SP and you get back to alongwith token and your user info.
There is a SAML plugin which you can download and use F12 to trace that. you can actually see the SAML response which you are getting.
1) What is meant my Identity Provider (IDP) and Service Provider (SP) - Can you please brief me about these at high level
Service Provider is the application where user is trying to login. That is your Pega Application.
IDP is the server where the user is getting authenticated. Actually whenever user hit the url , they are redirected to IDP url and once the user is authenticated they get back to the service provider URl with token.
You can actually test it by logging in to in the incognito mode. Here is SP and you can see that you are getting redirecting to which is IDP. Once you enter the credentials there , a token is passed to SP and you get back to alongwith token and your user info.
There is a SAML plugin which you can download and use F12 to trace that. you can actually see the SAML response which you are getting.
2) Do we need to update this SAML 2.0 authentication Service rule name in web.xml file as we do for LDAP like Servlet mapping in web.xml.
If you are using 8.1 , there is no need to modify web.xml for servlet mapping. It is automatically mapped. even for LDAP there is no need to modify web.xml in 8X pega version.
Please let me know if you need further information.
Thank you

Pegasystems Inc.
Also can you please let us know , which IDP you are using for your application. since you need to send the meatadata to that IDP server and there your URL(i.e. SP info should be entered.)
Please let me know if you need further help. I have implemented the SSO in 8.1 for one of my project and it worked.
Thank you

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Abhishek,.
I'm trying to use OpenAM but I'm not able to download it. I tried it but failed to find the OpenAM13.0 link to download.
If you have any link to download. Please provide me. I just want to do POC for learning purpose. So, Any LDAP is fine. Can you please provide me the links and procedure to install and setup.
And If I do SSO in prior versions of PRPC v8 do we need to update web.xml for SAML 2.0 authentication service ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Raj,
above is the link to download the Open LDAP instructions.
And If I do SSO in prior versions of PRPC v8 do we need to update web.xml for SAML 2.0 authentication service ?
Yes you need to provide servlet mapping in the prweb.xml. Please note that we have to use prweb.xml instead of web.xml. Both are different.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Abhishek,
The links and documents you have provided are for the LDAP and not for the SSO. How can we configure SSO using this OpenLDAP.
As per my knowledge we will configure LDAP using custom authentication Service where as for SSO we will use SAML 2.0 as Authentication type.
And I guess we will map Servlet mapping in web.xml and prweb is a war file I guess not xml file. Please correct me If I'm wrong and Also please help me to set up SSO.

Pegasystems Inc.
And I guess we will map Servlet mapping in web.xml and prweb is a war file I guess not xml file. Please correct me If I'm wrong and Also please help me to set up SSO.
Yes I meant the web.xml inside the prweb not the tomcat one.
As per my knowledge we will configure LDAP using custom authentication Service where as for SSO we will use SAML 2.0 as Authentication type.
Both can be used for SSO , to use LDAP you need to select custom type whereas SAML2.0 for SAML. These are 2 different ways of achieving SSO where IDP will handle the authentication part instead of your own database.
And I guess we will map Servlet mapping in web.xml and prweb is a war file I guess not xml file. Please correct me If I'm wrong and Also please help me to set up SSO.
Yes I meant the web.xml inside the prweb not the tomcat one.
As per my knowledge we will configure LDAP using custom authentication Service where as for SSO we will use SAML 2.0 as Authentication type.
Both can be used for SSO , to use LDAP you need to select custom type whereas SAML2.0 for SAML. These are 2 different ways of achieving SSO where IDP will handle the authentication part instead of your own database.
The idea behind Single Sign-On is that users can use an "external" set of credentials, in this case from Active Directory, to authenticate against your application.
In practice, that "external" user ultimately maps to an internal account (a generic account, like "user") that has the correct permissions.
What SAML does is actually pass session tokens around. User credentials are passed to a token, and then that token is authenticated against the "user" account.
LDAPS would skip all that token stuff and just authenticate directly against "user". This means there's no session security, users stay authenticated forever.
I think you should first understand the difference bw LDAP and SAML . Read some documents of what LDAP and SAML does before setting it up. It will help you in understanding what both does.
There are other authentications like OAuth and Kerberos. But the way of authenticating user is different. Some are tokens based, some are session token based and some are directly authenticating from their server.
Thank you

Pegasystems Inc.
Attached is one of the document which I referred . Its in 7.1.6 but you will get a idea of how to setup.
Also refer the LSA readiness course on Pega Academy, it also has a good information on Authentication Services.
Hope this will help.
Thank you
Max Naluparayil

Accenture Technology Solutions Pte Ltd
You may follow this document if you are using OpenAM.
Implementing SSO using Forgerock OpenAM.docx