Signed out users are unable to access WebMashup Hyperlinks
We have configured a Web Mashup in App studio so that users can receive links to objects in the Pega app through their emails. We noticed that if users are logged off from their session, and click on a link to a pega object in their email, they are redirected to the login page of the pega application. Once they log in, they receive a message that they do not have access to the object they are trying to open. Once they refresh the page, the object opens normally. Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be here?
The configuration for the webmashup is: Action: Open a case by URL Query param: pyActivity=Data-Portal.ShowDesktop&isSnapStart=true&pyShowFullPortal=true&Action=openWorkByHandle
Defer mashup load: false
Allow passing dynamic parameters: true
Skin: CosmosSkin Ifram resizing: Auto
Initial Skeleton: Default Mashup Skeleton
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to add Capability tags***