Service REST - retrieve request & response stored in Pega database
I have Service REST endpoints where I want to see all the request & response received by the endpoint and search for certain attributes in the JSON while debugging the production issue.
Also where in Pega these REST request/response is stored? I read its stored in a database inside Pega, where is it located and will I be able to query the database?
I could see the request & response under the "Invocation History" in Service Package but I would like to store the request & response in some commonplace or a table within Pega or even an external database so it will be easy for me to search for certain fields from the request/response JSON, is there a way to do it?
Will I be able to query the Pega table wherever this REST request/response is stored based on certain JSON attributes in the request/response?
Will I be able to prepare a report or push/pull the request/response with some date/time range?