
Last activity: 6 Jul 2019 14:45 EDT
Service HTTP
I need to display the case user portal by using the Service HHTP rule. I follow the below steps.
1. create the service package
2. create Service HTTP Rule (given the created service package name and given the Class name as Data-Portal.
3. in the rule form I mentioned the primary class as "Data-Portal". because I want to display the user portal through the Service-HTTP rule.
4. In the service activity I used the OOTB Activity(show selected portal) as service activity in the same "Data-Portal" class. in the activity parameters I have mention the portal name in the portal parameter field.
5. when I run the Service I can able to launch the User portal whatever I mention the portal field.
6. but when I go to service package rule, if I click on the "endpoint link" I'm unable to see the user portal. it simply displays the plain screen.
please help me out. how I can achive this.
Thanks in Advance,
5. when I run the service the
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