
Last activity: 1 May 2024 16:55 EDT
Service Activity for d_pxGetFile to return the STREAM in JSON response
Hello Pega Experts!
Really hoping someone can help me with a Service Activity to use d_pxGetFile (Get File API) and return the pyStream in the JSON response.
I've got my Service Package created and my Service REST created.
I have the Service REST set up for the 3 parameters (repositoryName, filePath, and responseType) to be in the query string like so ...
The query string elements are mapped to Param.MyrepositoryName, Param.filePath, and Param.MyResponseType.
I've never written or created any PEGA activities before so I need help with a Service Activity that will use those 3 parameters with d_pxGetFile and return pyStream in the response JSON.
Can anyone help me with this?