Last activity: 7 May 2023 7:15 EDT
send mail to every member of a work queue while assign a case to the work queue
How to send mail to every member of a work queue while assign a case to the work queue?
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 7 May 2023 7:15 EDT
Bits in Glass
@MaxonL16591286 sure, it's Data-Admin-WorkBasket class
Adept View
As per the below article To notify operators about new assignments, in the Contacts section in work queue rule, in the text field, enter the ID of an operator who receives a notification when an application routes work to the work queue.
thanks for sharing useful information.
my purpose is to send mail ALL members belong to the work queue.
E.g. 10 users are members of the work queue (or exactly, belong to the work group of this work queue)
then I would like to send mail to all 10 users.
I would not like manually configure the contact list in work queue, as the member will change in future.
So any quicky way to send mail ALL work queue members?
Or, any activity / function I can use to update the contact list in work queue instead of setting it manually?
Bits in Glass
@MaxonL16591286 You can make use of D_pyTeamMembersInMyWorkGroup data page to get the users in a specific work group. In Report definition you need to add .pyEmailAddress. By looping the Data page, and using SendSimpleEmail you can send email to users in the work group.
You can use this data page in the Notification rule also, by passing the work group as the parameter.
Thanks for info.
I am interest in last sentence:
"You can use this data page in the Notification rule also, by passing the work group as the parameter"
May i know whether it's a method to send all users in WG without my writing a loop by myself?
could share more details about it or a sample? thanks.
Bits in Glass
@MaxonL16591286 for sending email notifications using notification channel, please check below URL for reference.
Thanks for prompt response.
Regarding my another question in previous msg:
"any activity / function I can use to update the contact list in work queue instead of setting it manually?"
Any idea could be shared? The background is, I would like to sync the contact list from a data table that maintain by user, so need know how to manipulate the work queue contact list by programming.
Bits in Glass
@MaxonL16591286 if you see my first comment, I have mentioned an ootb data page. So your work queue is mapped to a Work group and you want to send notification to everyone in that work group. Once you have written an activity doing looping that data page and sending email using sendsimpleemail Or any other activity, then you don't have to worry. Whenever a new operator/person is onboarded to a team/work group, the data page will be pulling that operator data too.
Thanks. However your solution is till "reading" the info.
As you mentioned : "Whenever a new operator/person is onboarded to a team/work group, the data page will be pulling that operator data too."
But what I want is to UPDATE (ADD/ MODIFY/ DELETE) the setting by programming, instead when new user onboarded.
Here the setting refer to "contact list in a work queue", as in below image:
The contact list can be used by activity NotifyAllAssignees that called inside a green assignment box to send mail to all operators in the list when case assigned to its work queue. It's quite convenient.
So I want to update the contact list by programming.
Bits in Glass
@MaxonL16591286okay got it, you need to open the specific work queue data instance, append the new user/operator record, commit the record.
1. Obj-open
2. Append new operator record to the contact list pagelist
3. Save and commit
yes, it's what I want!
May I know what's the data type (table) related to work queue that I can use in Obj-open or Obj-browse?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 7 May 2023 7:15 EDT
Bits in Glass
@MaxonL16591286 sure, it's Data-Admin-WorkBasket class
@Anoop Krishna many thanks. I will have a try.
Anoop Krishna