send big data from javascript
we create StringBase64 data at javascript.
in javascript code we want to set StringBase64 data to pega property from javascript.
when I used below code I have get this error message "Transport error: 413 Error: Request Entity Too Large"
var oSafeURL =null;
oSafeURL = new SafeURL("TFKB-FW-AydosFW-Work.AddDocument");
oSafeURL.put("Path" ,"path");
oSafeURL.put("StringInBase64" ,arrayBuffer);
httpRequestAsynch(oSafeURL,"",50,100 ); OR httpRequestAsynch('GET',oSafeURL,"",50,100 ); OR httpRequestAsynch('POST',oSafeURL,"",50,100 );
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