Save the data using obj-save method in activities
I am using obj-save method to save the data from clipboard to the databases but i don't know where my data is saving in pgadmin 3.
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I am using obj-save method to save the data from clipboard to the databases but i don't know where my data is saving in pgadmin 3.
When you use Obj-Save, you normally uses a step page, that step page will be mapped to a class, that class will be mapped to a database table, your data should be saving in that table only.
You can check, which table your class is mapped by going to sysadmin- Database table. There you are search for the class, so it will display its corresponding table mapping.
You can trace the process and enable the DB Query event type in the trace to see the database statements that are executed. The data will need to be committed.
It depends on the class(Instance) or object(In Java) you're trying to save. Every concrete class is mapped to a database table. Navigate to the class definition of the object you're trying to save. Click on "Test Connection" button, it will give you the table mapping details.
All the abstract class are usually mapped to "pr_others" table in the database. When a data table is created and "Create dedicated database table" option is unchecked, the created data class gets mapped to "pr_other". Until it's explicitly mapped to a dedicated table.
Obj-Save Method:
This method to request that the system save a clipboard page to the PegaRULES database or (if the page belongs to an external class) an external database.
The Obj-Save method uses properties on the page to derive the internal key under which it will be saved. This method can create a new database instance or overwrite a previous instance with that key.
It depends on the class(Instance) or object(In Java) you're trying to save. Every concrete class is mapped to a database table. Navigate to the class definition of the object you're trying to save. Click on "Test Connection" button, it will give you the table mapping details.
All the abstract class are usually mapped to "pr_others" table in the database. When a data table is created and "Create dedicated database table" option is unchecked, the created data class gets mapped to "pr_other". Until it's explicitly mapped to a dedicated table.
Obj-Save Method:
This method to request that the system save a clipboard page to the PegaRULES database or (if the page belongs to an external class) an external database.
The Obj-Save method uses properties on the page to derive the internal key under which it will be saved. This method can create a new database instance or overwrite a previous instance with that key.
An object that is stored in the PegaRULES database is persistent. The object is available to other users and remains after the requestor session that created it ends.
Select the WriteNow parameter to force this page (and only this page) to be written to the database as part of the Obj-Save method. Unlike the Commit method, the Obj-Save method does not operate on all previously marked-for-commit objects, only on the current page, and does not release locks.
These situations cause the method status to be Fail or Warn:
-You cannot save a page that is locked by another requestor.
-You cannot save a page that your session does not hold a lock on (if the page belongs to a lockable class), unless the object is new, never yet saved.
-You cannot save pages of any class derived from the Code- base class or the Embed- base class. Such pages exist only on the clipboard.
Hope it answers your query. Kindly notify if it does by marking this post as answered for larger Pega audience.
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