
Last activity: 30 Jul 2024 13:20 EDT
Sap ver 8 interrogation
I have problem with new verion of SAP 800, some of menus/controls in older version SAP 760 was matched much better.
Example in attachment, previously that menu with buttons Pega matched per single control now it can only match entire bar.
Is it planned to fix matching for SAP 800?
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Pegasystems Inc.
@SebastianD According to our documentation we support SAP 8. It is likely that controls in SAP 8 are different than they were in earlier versions, so you may need to re-interrogate them. As for ease of matching, it sounds like what you described is referring to some added complexity that SAP has added into their controls. That may very well be the case if they have updated the functionality. Do you have a control you are unable to match uniquely or interrogate at all?

@ThomasSasnett Yes, all single controls on this bar on printscreen are unmatchable exept textbox.
in sap ver 760 PEGA could match them all individually.

Pegasystems Inc.
@SebastianD Would you please show some screenshots if possible? I would like to see the list of controls you are seeing in Studio as well as a screenshot of the control in SAP (be sure to remove or blur anything proprietary from the screenshot).


Pegasystems Inc.
@SebastianDAre you able to show the controls you see in Studio? Specifically, the Windows tab and the associated controls with this toolbar and if you have one, is there a Virtual Controls tab? I would like to see those as well. You may be able to locate the toolbar on these tabs and expand it to see if there are any controls below it. I would also be interested in seeing what this toolbar is interrogated as and what Methods it has available.

@ThomasSasnett Sorry for multiple post i have problem with pasting screens.
This is how that bar match


@ThomasSasnett Methods


Pegasystems Inc.
@SebastianD When you test the methods for these button controls, do any of them click the expected button?


Pegasystems Inc.
@SebastianD In your screenshot, you show a Toolbar control (presumably on either the Virtual Controls or Windows tabs) labelled 0091082 Toolbar. Beneath it are various buttons as its children. If you right-click on those, can you select Test Target methods and see if clicking those operate as you'd expect? If so, you can add them to your application hierarchy by right-clicking and selecting Create Control.

@ThomasSasnett No i just posted it how other bar is matched.... and its how it suppose work with every bar.
I have problem with other bar few post up, 000B0E80
This bar has in SAP about 15 buttons and one textbox, PEGA only can match textbox! Pega can't see any buttons on this bar!

Pegasystems Inc.
@SebastianD This may be best handled by a support ticket since getting access to your application would be the quickest way to evaluate what can be done. If you do open a support request, please update this post with the INC.
One thing you may try is to see if the Toolbar itself has any other methods that might allow you to click its children. There might be a method like ClickToolbarButton that accepts a parameter for the button to click.
You can also look into creating a UI Connector. Start with the Native Control Explorer available from the Debug menu in Studio. This may not work for SAP, but it is worth looking into to see if the control itself has methods available we do not have exposed.