Running a When rule gives different result than test case result when using a Text param that receives a number.
I believe I found a bug when considering a param that is set as a Text vs as an Integer.
1. Create a When rule "When Param.EmployeeType = 4", but make the Param.EmployeeType a "Text".
- Click on the "Actions" -> "Run" for the When rule
- Enter the number 3 for the Value
- Click Run *Note that "false" is returned.
- Click Convert to Test
- Run the test and see it fail stating that the actual result is true.
- Now change Param.EmployeeType to Integer
- Re-run the test and it will pass.
The curious thing here is that when running the rule from "When", it works whether or not the param is a Text or Integer, but fails in the Test Case if the param is a Text.