Run BIX extract via activity, get Log-Extract handle
We are using a wrapper activity to call the OTB activity Rule-Admin-Extract -> pxExtractDataWithArgs to run a given Extract rule.
In the OTB activity, Java step2, the BIX extract rule is run via command line as below:
((com.pega.pegarules.priv.PegaAPI)tools).executeCommandLineExtract(args, tools.getThread());
Q1. Does the command line return immediately after initiating the extract, or wait for the extract to be finished?
Q2. Can the above command line return the Log-Extract pzInsKey that would be generated as part of the extract rule run?
An extract can run multiple times a day and the Extract rule 'Execution History' shows the run history, which is the Log-Extract instances for this extract rule.
When we run the activity pxExtractDataWithArgs for a given extract rule, we want to get the Log-Extract pzInsKey generated, without having to query the Log-Extract for the recent entry, this way we are guaranteed that the command line execution of the extract rule will return the Log-Extract entry for this specific run only.
How can we achieve this?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***