anything that calls DF_ProcessResponse to write to IH does not work. Failed to find a 'RULE-DECISION-DATASET' with the name 'PXINTERACTIONHISTORY' that applies to '@baseclass'. There were 1 rules with this name in the rulebase, but none matched this request. The 1 rules named 'PXINTERACTIONHISTORY' defined in the rulebase are: 1 related to applies-to class '@baseclass', but were defined on subclasses: 'Data-pxStrategyResult'.
any process that uses the DataFlow to write to IH exhibits the problem, this includes a campaign run, or an ESM dataflow ... I traced the start of the error to a specific point in time, but I cannot determine where the 'smoking gun' is, and since the error occurs in a dataFlow triggered by an event or a campaign it is difficult to trace ... obviously the proper dataset is in place and is intact, I just don't understand why the system is no looking for the dataset off the @baseclass now. I am sure someone in the team has tweaked something unintentionally, but I have no idea what.