
Wells Fargo
Last activity: 11 Sep 2023 10:58 EDT
Rule from wrong class getting picked up at runtime
We have upgraded our on-prem application (Pega 8.6 VM based deployment on Oracle 19 C) to cloud (Pega 8.8.3 AKS to PG14). We see issues that wrong class rules are getting picked up at runtime.
eg., Section - Test from Class - ABC-XYZ-DEF
Property - 'Type' from Class - ABC-XYZ-DEF text has prompt list
Property -'Type' from Class - ABC text property
In section Test, property 'Type' should get called from ABC-XYZ-DEF but its calling property from class -ABC.
If we withdraw property from class ABC then its picking up property from ABC-XYZ-DEF at runtime.
As its a UI issue we are not seeing anything logs and tracer.
We tried revalidate and save/ system restart still issue persist.