RPA Plugin for Visual studio 2017
Need rpa / rda plugin for visual studio 2017, unable to raise service request as this product is not listed in our organization.
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Need rpa / rda plugin for visual studio 2017, unable to raise service request as this product is not listed in our organization.
I think you would be able to get only through SR request, reach out to your account executive for help.
Thank You
No account executive available. Without plug in how can we utilize robotics feature? there should be a download link for this. This plug in is not even listed in visual studio extensions.
I guess you can read Jeff comments in the below link, he explained it well.
Well, Pega robotics does not have a evaluation edition. You would get the plugin only after raising an SR. Which is licensed for both development and production instance.
If you don't have a account then you really cant evaluate it off line.
Hi. I'm trying to download the VS plugin for the PEGA robotics but I cannot submit an SR request for the plug in because the support web page says I'm not linked to an account. However, I am the only person from my company who signed up an account and there is no Administrator who wouldn't be me. Can somebody help? The exact message is :
"You are not linked to an account. To be linked, ask your company's Support Contact Administrator to link you.
You will then be able to create, see and update support requests for your account.
If you do not know who your Administrators are, ask a colleague who is already linked to tell you.
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