Barclays Technology Center India
Last activity: 9 May 2017 2:19 EDT
Rest Service Error: :"Data page not found for the given parameter ID"
I am calling Rest service as below. The Data page D_GetObject is working fine.
1) http:// Proprietary information hidden:9080/prweb/api/v1/data/D_GetObject?CaseID
2) http:// Proprietary information hidden:9080/prweb/api/v1/data/D_GetObject?CaseID=C-31
After executing above 1) or 2) the system is throwing below error.
{ "pxObjClass":"Pega-API-Data" ,"errors":[ { "ID":"Pega_API_017" ,"message":"Data page not found for the given parameter ID" ,"pxObjClass":"Pega-API-Error" } ] }
Please could you help me fixing this issue.
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