
Last activity: 6 Nov 2017 21:41 EST
REST service to create new work
I have a case and it needs to be instantiated through a XML based REST service. As we dont have a wizard for service-REST, I have to create the rules manually. Is there any easy way to create XML stream and parse rules? Work class have many properties of page mode. I was trying to execute the service wizard for service-soap to generate the xml stream and parse rules but it dint generate the rules for any page property.
Also how should my request/response classes for this. In my workclass, i have lot of properties and many properties of page mode. Should I create separate service class, request class and response class for this?
For example: Org-Div-App-Work-ReturnAuthorization is my class name which has many props. Request should contain all these props and the response contains the caseID, status and errors if any. Are the below classes correct? Or should i do it differently?
Org-Div-App-Int-CreateReturnAuth (service class)
Can someone please guide on this?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***