
Last activity: 28 Jun 2017 8:08 EDT
Read only Section to PDF
I have a parent section with almost 10 embedded sections and this sections are intended to display survey questions. My survey answers are text area fields and has large content which can be scrolled when it is editable and when i am trying to pass this parent section to PDF all the text area content is not visible in PDF since it is read only and cannot be scrolled. So I have to pass this parent section to PDF in read only/ review mode so that all the text area content will be visible without text area box. Could someone please suggest how to do this ? Or any other alternative method to do this?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Will the local change suggested in this article help ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Have you marked all section and Text area controls as Auto in Edit mode? That way it should pick the editable mode from parent container (section). And for PDF you can have your own wrapper section over parent section and make this as Read only.

Thanks for the information.
But my text area field comes from Survey-Simple question rules and all my 10 embedded sections in the parent section are OOTB rules like Work-DisplaySurvey, Work-DisplaySurveyStream, Work- DisplaySurveyTreeNavigation, Work-DisplaySurveyultimate. etc
And wrapper section calling my parent section didn't work :(

Any other suggestions please?


Pegasystems Inc.
From the above comments ,you need the section to be displayed as read only.
On section include we will get the option to view the section as read only (when condition/expression). We can mention the when condition/expression on click of the Button (used for generation of the PDF).
And while genrating the PDF we can use only this section.
Or have you tried to use RTE instead of the textarea.

We tried the Section Include and it didn't work for our Scenario.
The Text area we are using is configured in the Survey Questions rule. Could you please explain hw do we use RTE in a survey rule?

Any other suggestions on this issue?