
Last activity: 28 Jun 2021 7:43 EDT
Queue Processor in Activity: QP name as a parameter
We're migrating from PEGA 7.3.1 to PEGA 8.5.x and migrating our agents to QP.
in an activity, when assigning to a Queue processor, instead of indicating the QP name, can we pass a parameter?
Since QP is restricted to 20 threads, idea is to have QP1, QP2, QP3 doing the same thing.
Then in activity, instead of pointing to hardcoded QP1, QP2 or QP3, can I pass a param which would represent one of these 3?
This param would upfront be defined and represent one of the 3 QPx.
We were doing the same with agents where agent name Agent1, Agent2 or Agent3 was selected and this value given as a parameter in the activity in method parameter.
Thank you